Play Love Dice online.
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Click on *ROLL*
Love Dice



What is Love Dice?

A fun way to put some spice into the bedroom and reconnect with your partner, Love Dice are a creative tool for couples. There are many variations to Love Dice. The labeling ranges from mild to explicit in nature.Typically, one die will be labeled with various body parts such as mouth and neck. The other will usually be labeled with instructions such as "kiss" or "stroke." The dice may be large or small, and may come with a container, or simply online here.

Full Instructions

1) Find a private place where you and your partner may play Love Dice. It needs to be someplace comfortable that you can enjoy for a while, as the game may trigger further intimate activities. Love Dice is not a game that needs to be rushed.

2) Undress one another if following the instructions on the Love Dice will require uncovered body parts. Otherwise, the game may be played while partially or completely clothed.

3) Decide who will be Player 1. That player rolls the dice and follows the instructions that appear on the top of both dice. For example, if the body part die displays the word "mouth" on top and the instruction die displays the word "kiss" on top, Player 1 would kiss the mouth of Player 2. Every action should last about 30secs. Feel free to set your own timing.

4) Player 2 then takes a turn by rolling the dice and following the instructions of the dice by committing the action displayed on them on Player 1.

5) Play continues until the Love Dice are put aside for other activities ;) or both players deem the game to be over.

Have fun!!

Play Love Dice Online 2010 - 2017